Press Release

America’s Digital Tomorrow

Join Chicago Council on Science and Technology and get ready for America’s Digital Tomorrow

Social media and new technologies are making businesses socially savvy, and changing the way the world does business. Howard A. Tullman, President and CEO of Tribeca Flashpoint Media Arts Academy, will discuss these changes at Chicago Council on Science and Technology’ s (C2ST) program ‘America’ s Digital Tomorrow’  on Thursday, September 20th.

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Blog Post

Let’s build a museum to honor Nikola Tesla

Fans of Nikola Tesla are hard at work raising funds for a museum to honor their hero, at the site of his last remaining laboratory in Shoreham, NY.

Tesla, who registered over 700 patents, brought electricity to the World’s Columbian Exhibition in Chicago in 1893. His discoveries include the alternating current, Tesla Coil, AC induction motor, fluorescent light, laser beam, remote control and wireless communications.

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