Blog Post

Exploring the Universe from the Bottom of the World

Our quest to understand the origin, evolution and makeup of the Universe has undergone dramatic and surprising advances over the past two decades. Much of the progress in understanding the makeup of the Universe has been through observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Slight variations in the intensity of the CMB light provide a glimpse of the Universe as it was 14 billion years ago.

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Blog Post

An Interview with Conservation Scientist Dr. Francesca Casadio

Francesca Casadio PhD., joined the Art Institute of Chicago as its first A.W. Mellon Conservation Scientist in July 2003, filling a critical role in establishing and directing a conservation science program. Her primary activities focus on equipping an in-house laboratory with state-of-the-art instrumentation, and conducting analyses of works of art in the collections.

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Press Release

Bottom of the World

Exploring the Universe From the Bottom of the World

Our quest to understand the origin, evolution and makeup of the Universe has undergone dramatic and surprising advances over the past two decades. Much of the progress in understanding the makeup of the Universe has been through observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Slight variations in the intensity of the CMB light provide a glimpse of the Universe as it was 14 billion years ago.

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Press Release

CSI Picasso

C2ST Presents: CSI Picasso, an affiliate event of Chicago Ideas Week

To learn more about the famous artists whose works cover the walls and halls of the Art Institute of Chicago, conservation experts don’ t simply pore over dusty tomes and speculate as to materials used and techniques employed; they peer through high-tech microscopes, use X-ray machines, and examine samples as small as tiny grains of salt to uncover long-held mysteries.

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Blog Post

Conservation Scientist Francesca Casadio and Paintings Conservator Allison Langley will discuss the works of Pablo Picasso

Francesca Casadio PhD., A.W. Mellon Conservation Scientist and Allison Langley, Paintings Conservator at The Art Institute of Chicago, will discuss the works of Pablo Picasso (1881-1973), one of the most important artists of the 20th century, at CSI: Picasso on October 10th at IIT.

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Blog Post

Interview with Howard Tullman, President and CEO of Tribeca Flashpoint Media Arts Academy

Howard Tullman, co-founder of Tribeca Flashpoint Media Arts Academy, founder of over a dozen high-tech companies, adjunct professor at the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University, and member of both Governor Quinn and Mayor Emanuel’s technology and innovation councils, will share with Chicago Council on Science and Technology members some of the tools, trends and technologies that will transform businesses in the coming year this Thursday, Sept. 20. Continue reading “Interview with Howard Tullman, President and CEO of Tribeca Flashpoint Media Arts Academy”