Press Release

The Order of Crystallography


Chicago Council on Science and Technology presents “The Order of Crystallography”

CHICAGO, Illinois (January 13, 2014) Crystallography, or the science of how matter is arranged, has been around for a long time—the birth of X-ray crystallography was 100 years ago.  Using the science of visualizing molecules in 3D has helped society build everything from better medicines to stronger materials. Despite huge advances in the field, and advantages to society, most folks remain unaware of the implications to materials engineering and on research methods today. UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) has named 2014 the International Year of Crystallography. Help Chicago Council on Science and Technology celebrate crystallography’s place in our lives—and in Chicago.

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Blog Post

Crowdfunding Gold under the Reading Rainbow

By Scott Michael Slone

Butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as high…

Many of our readers might be familiar with Reading Rainbow, an educational children’s show that aired on PBS during the 80’s, 90’s, and early 2000’s. It was a show dedicated to promoting reading in a child’s life and promoting critical thinking about what they were reading, much like the show Bill Nye The Science Guy promoted scientific thought and analysis. Continue reading “Crowdfunding Gold under the Reading Rainbow”

C2ST in the News

Climate Change and National Security

By Paul Caine Producer, WTTW’s Chicago Tonight

Originally published at:

What does climate change and national security have to do with each other?  Everything according to international science and military experts. They say changing weather patterns effect food and freshwater availability resulting in a competition for resources and possible political instability.  We take a closer look at the issue on Scientific Chicago with retired Brig. Gen. Stephen Cheney, CEO of the American Security Project, Elisabeth Moyer, co-director of the University of Chicago’s Center for Robust Decision Making on Climate and Energy Policy, and Andrew Holland, senior fellow for Energy and Climate from the American Security Project.

Continue reading “Climate Change and National Security”