
Investing in Science and Education: An Act of Faith; An Evening with John Rowe

John W. Rowe is Chairman Emeritus of Chicago-based Exelon Corporation, an electric utility serving Chicago, Philadelphia and Baltimore.

Rowe led Exelon from its formation in 2000 through the completion of its acquisition of Constellation Energy in 2012. Rowe previously held chief executive officer positions at the New England Electric System and Central Maine Power Company, served as general counsel of Consolidated Rail Corporation, and was a partner in the law firm of Isham, Lincoln & Beale. Continue reading “Investing in Science and Education: An Act of Faith; An Evening with John Rowe”


Genes and Geography: Understanding Human Genetic Diversity

Every human carries a unique individual genome. The ways in which human genomes are similar or different to one another is just now being detailed at high resolution thanks to technological advances in DNA sequencing. These new observations reveal much about our origins as humans and the evolutionary processes that shape both human adaptation and disease. Continue reading “Genes and Geography: Understanding Human Genetic Diversity”