America’s Digital Tomorrow
Join Chicago Council on Science and Technology and get ready for America’s Digital Tomorrow
Social media and new technologies are making businesses socially savvy, and changing the way the world does business. Howard A. Tullman, President and CEO of Tribeca Flashpoint Media Arts Academy, will discuss these changes at Chicago Council on Science and Technology’ s (C2ST) program ‘America’ s Digital Tomorrow’ on Thursday, September 20th.
The increasing amounts of personal data people are willing to share, the speed of breadth of communication tools available to companies, and how people seek validation have all changed the old models for doing business. Tullman will focus on five mission-critical trends, tools and technologies that will change every business in America.
Inc. Magazine called Tullman, “The most accomplished, best-connected entrepreneur you’ve never heard of.”
Tribeca Flashpoint Academy, a two-year trade school for the digital media arts, was co-founded by Tullman in 2007. The academy has students collaborate with different businesses on projects, both to boost the student’ s portfolios and give them real-world experience including technical skills, accountability, and initiative. Tullman also teaches at Northwestern University’ s Kellogg School of Management. Some of his many past projects include a stint as President of Kendall College, and Chairman of the Princeton Review.
A breakfast reception begins at 7:30 am, with Tullman’ s presentation at 8:15 am. Tours of Tribeca Flashpoint, located at 28 N. Clark Street, 5th floor, Chicago IL 60602 will follow at 9:30 am. Space is limited, and advanced registration is required for this program. Non-C2ST member fees apply: $10 / $5 Student.
For more information or to register, visit