C2ST Speakeasy with Dr. Celeste Napier

The Neuroscience of Addiction at Geek Bar Chicago’s SCIENCE! Tuesday

The use and abuse of substances that change the way we feel is a human tendency documented throughout history. This tendency wasoften explained from viewpoints of spirituality, will-power and morality. Modern science is reshaping this dialogue, bringing the neurobiology of emotion, judgment and reward to this conversation. Dr. T. Celeste Napier will show the contributions that science has made to this topic, discussing such questions as why do people take drugs in the first place? What is the switch in the brain that changes occasional drug use into addiction? Is there a genetic vulnerability to become addicted? What other factors (stress, environment, teen brain) can promote addiction? To what extent is addiction a disease of the brain?

Dr. T. Celeste Napier is a Professor in the Departments of Pharmacology and Psychiatry at Rush University Medical Center, where she also is the Director for the Center for Compulsive Behavior and Addiction. Her scientific interests include the neuroscience of motivational behaviors, including those that regulate healthy decision-making versus those associated with drug and behavioral addictions. Her work also encompasses addiction co-morbidity with other mental and neurological diseases. She has over 200 publications in on topics that span molecular biology, biochemistry, neurophysiology and behavior. Her research directly translates into medication development for mental health disorders. She has provided expert testimony to the US Congress Committee on Science, Space and Technology Subcommittee on Research and Technology, and to Illinois House of Representatives, Heroin and Youth Task Force Hearing. She is frequently sought after by the news media on matters related to neuropharmacology, drug addiction and the adolescent brain. Dr. Napier received her Ph.D. in Pharmacology at Texas Tech University.

C2ST Speakeasy is held on the first and third Tuesdays of every month at Geek Bar Chicago. Attendance is free, but registration is strongly encouraged. Register at  http://www.eventbrite.com/e/c2st-speakeasy-with-dr-celeste-napier-tickets-17375967988

Please note that this is a public event and registration does not guarantee a seat. Geek Bar will do their best to accommodate everyone, but their capacity is limited.

This program is presented in partnership with Geek Bar Chicago and the Chicago Society for Neuroscience.

For more information, contact Andrea Poet at apoet@c2st.org or 312-567-5795.

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